




5.在医院要遵守哪些规则 英文




       1. 掌握技巧——如何写好篇章结构

        2. 巧用连接词——连接上下文的关键

        3. 落实基础——句型练习




        开始部分(opening paragraph)——说出文中的要点、核心问题。

        正文部分(Body paragraphs)——围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。

        结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)——对全文的总结和概括。










       Something unpleasant happened to us on our way to the beach. In the morning, while we were waiting to buy train tickets in the railway station, a bus driver came over to us. He told us he also was going to the beach, the ride was cheap, and the bus was air-conditioned. We felt grateful and got on his bus. As we were talking happily on the way, the bus suddenly stopped. The driver said he needed two hours to repair the engine. While he was working on the engine, he turned off the air-conditioner. He actually took four hours to finish his job, and we spent the whole morning sweating in the heat!


       I am an active boy and I talk more than listen. When I talk with my friends, I’m always ready to express myself. I’m not afraid to tell others what I think. I am usually the focus of the attention because I often have lots of ideas that interest everyone. In my opinion, people should share and exchange each other’s ideas. But when I am with the quiet people, I feel the air is frozen. I’m always trying to find a topic and start a conversation. In this way, people will like me and feel happy.

       In a word, I am optimistic and active and I can make everybody as confident as me.





       First, second, third,

       First, then / next, after that / next, finally

       For one thing … for another…,

       On (the) one hand…on the other hand,

       Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also,

       Especially / In particular,


        now, at present, recently,

       after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days,

       at first, in the beginning, to begin with,

       later, next, finally,

       immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment

       form now on, from then on,

       at the same time, meanwhile,

       till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during,


        now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover

       furthermore, in fact, actually


        but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all,


        or, and, also, too, not only … but also, as well as, both… and, either …or, neither …nor


        because, because of, since, now that, as, thanks to…, due to…, therefore, as a result (of), otherwise, so…that, such…that


        as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unless


        though, although, as, even if, even though, whether …or…, however, whoever,

        whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where, when, whom)


        for example, for instance, such as…, take… for example


        be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with (to)…just like, just as,


        for this reason,, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to,


        in deed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, above all,


        in a word, in short, in brief, on the whole, generally speaking, in my opinion, as far as I know, As we all know, as has been stated, as I have shown, finally, at last, in summary, in conclusion


       1. in order to


       He worked very hard in order to realize his dream.


       He was saving as much as possible in order to pay for his fresh year in the university.

       2. in order that


       She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 o’clock..


       He took some books with him in order that he would not get bored during the long journey.

       3. so…that


       No matter what problem he faces, he always thinks about himself first. He is so selfish that nobody wants to work with him


       They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.

       4. such…that


       He shut the window with such force that the glass broke.


       It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.

       5. would rather do…than do


       He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

       6. prefer doing to doing


       While he was in the office, he preferred doing something to doing nothing.


       He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.

       7. prefer to do…rather than do


       Compared with women, men always prefer to sleep at home rather than spend so much time shopping.

       Tom 宁可工作到很晚来完成工作也不把它留到第二天去做。

       Tom prefers to stay up late to finish the work rather than leave it done the next day.

       8. not only…but also


       In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor’s degree.


       Forests can not only fresh the air but also reduce noises.

       9. either…or


       You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pass the exam.


       Either the thief or the gatekeeper took the picture away.

       10. Neither…nor


       Neither he nor I know what happened to the old man.


       He is a boring man. He likes neither entertainment nor reading.

       11. as well as


       Football as well as computer games is pupular with young people.


       He was kind as well as helpful.

       12. …as well


       Apart from many literature books, there are quite a few magazines in our library as well.


       The child is active and funny as well.

       13. One…the other


       Have you seen two pens on the desk? One is red, the other is black.

       我昨天买了两张CD,一个是Backstreets Boys的,另一个是Coco Li的。

       I got two CDs yesterday. One is of Backstreet Boys, the other is of Coco Li.

       14. Some…others


       Everyone is busy in classroom. Some are reading, others are writing.


       There are many foreign students in our class. Some of them are from Europe, others come from America.

       15. make…+adj /n


       Beijing has a population of 13 million, making it one of the largest cities in China.


       What we do will make the world more beautiful.

       16. not…until


       I didn’t know the truth until she told me what happened.


       Yesterday I didn’t go to sleep until midnight.

       17. as if


       He talks a lot as if he knows everything.


       It seems as if I am the first one arriving at school.

       18. It is no use (good) doing…


       It’s no good talking without thinking carefully.


       It’s no use pretending that you didn’t know the rules.

       19. find it + adj to do…


       I find it necessary to take down notes while listening.


       I feel it important to have some working experience.


       I found it impossible for me to work out all the problems in such a short time.

       20. It is + time since…


       It is ten years since I graduated from this school.


       It is two years since I last met him.

       21. It is + time when…


       It was 8 o’clock when I got to the cinema.


       It was midnight when I left the hospital.

       22. It is + time before…


       I won’t be long before we can meet again.


       It will be two years before we know whether it is effective.

       23. It is…that…


       It is friendship that I value most.


       It was not until the small factories were shut down that the river became clean again.

       24. It is + n / adj + that / to do…


       It is a must that everybody should know how to use computers.


       It is convenient for us to be able to use computers.




       开始部分(opening paragraph)——说出文中的要点、核心问题。

       正文部分(Body paragraphs)——围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。

       结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)——对全文的总结和概括。

       要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容.详细可以参情况考ESL资源网站 里面的writing部分。












       First, second, third,

       First, then / next, after that / next, finally

       For one thing … for another…,

       On (the) one hand…on the other hand,

       Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also,

       Especially / In particular,


       now, at present, recently,

       after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days,

       at first, in the beginning, to begin with,

       later, next, finally,

       immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment

       form now on, from then on,

       at the same time, meanwhile,

       till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during,


       now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover

       furthermore, in fact, actually


       but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other

       hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all,


       or, and, also, too, not only … but also, as well as, both… and, either …or, neither …nor


       because, because of, since, now that, as, thanks to…, due to…, therefore, as a result (of), otherwise, so…that, such…that


       as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unless


       though, although, as, even if, even though, whether …or…, however, whoever,

       whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where, when, whom)


       for example, for instance, such as…, take… for example


       be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with (to)…just like, just as,


       for this reason,, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to,


       in deed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly,

       obviously, above all,


       in a word, in short, in brief, on the whole, generally speaking, in my opinion, as far as I know, As we all know, as has been stated, as I have shown, finally, at last, in summary, in conclusion,


       台湾英语资源网 puters.


       1.邮局:Post office,读音[p?ust ?fis]




















       There are four typical types of buying behaviour based on the type of products that intends to be purchased.

       1.Complex buying behaviour(复杂购买行为):the individual purchases a high value brand and seek a lot of information before the purchase is made.(人们在购买时,需要考虑一系列因素,例如,买一台电脑,要考虑处理器类型,内存容量,价格,品牌等等)

       2.Habitual buying hehaviour(习惯性消费):the individual buys a product out of habit,e.g. a daily newspaper,cigerrate,salt, and so on.(日用品购买,如香烟)

       3.Variety seeking buying behaviour(多样化购买行为):the individual likes to shop around and experiment with different products.(仅仅是一种人类求多求花样的购买行为,就像你买衣服,喜欢各式各样)

       4.Dissnance reducing buying behaviour(降低失调的购买行为):buyers are highly involved with the purchase of the product,because the purchase is expensive or infrequent(也就是常说的追求名牌,追求名牌只不过是为了赢得status symbol)





       Happy New Year!!




















        连词最好准备在你忘词或者这一段已经油尽灯枯说不下去的时候用。我觉得连词中?高级?的有,但并不高级的那么明显,重要的是,你能在紧张到忘掉演讲词的时候想起来用个高级的连词。所以我建议你在pre开始前就要想好,比如对自己说?我今天一定要用however和as long as?。


        1. However


        2. So that


        3. Since和As


        4. Both, Either?or?, Neither?nor?






        First, we're going to ...

        I'd like to begin by outlining our present situation.

        You may not know that ...


        Let's take a look at some of the implications of this.

        Taking into consideration what we have said about X, we can see that Y ...

        The main reason for these actions is ...

        We have to keep in mind that ... when we consider ...

        As you can see from this graph representing ...

        If you could just take a look at ...

        Looking at X we can see that ..

        There are a number of alternatives in this case. We can ...

        If we had ... , we would ...

        Had we... , we could have ... Do we need to X or Y?

        I think we can clearly see that we can either ... or ...

        We have been considering ...


        We've discussed many points today. Let me quickly summarize the principal points:

        I'd like to quickly go over the main points of today's topic:

        Before we end, let me briefly recap what we have discussed here today.

        Thank you all very much for taking the time to listen to this presentation. Now, ifyou have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

        I think that's about it. I'd like to thank you all for coming in today. Do you have anyquestions?



        1. 首先重要的是,让面试官感到你的自信,或者说?确定性?。


        It is sure/very certain that....

        It is very obvious that

        I am sure that my experience in xxx could help (name of the company) with xxxx

        I have certain confidence in xxxx

        2. 要有中心,要在几个问题内让面试官知道你最明显的特点。


        As I mentioned before, I am a very xxx person and this could also apply to xxxx as well

        If you remember what I said in last question, I could xxxxx

        As I said before..........

        3. 面试时,你通常不会有太多思考时间,你可以用 well等词拖延时间。这是可以接受的,你也可以用一些打太极的招式,比如

        I am very confident that I can bring certain things to the firm/help the firm inmany ways...

        In my understanding of the culture of this company.....

        I am sure that the culture of this company delivers certain things that agree with my own value and hence(争取时间的大招!)

        4. 关于工资,你不能太直白地说My expected salary ....


        In reference to my xx years of working experience in the industry, I am expecting a payment like xxxxx

        In regard of the average salary in the industry............

        Considering the industry.....


        In Office

        当在办公室与老板、同事交流时,要记住,你交流的对象,职场中的大家都很忙,所以给你的时间是极其有限的。在这种情况下,所需要的技巧就是?快速表达你的目的?换而言之就是要使用?action message你要干啥。


        1. 他们通常直呼其名

        Hi, John

        2. 为了开门见山地表达目的,他们通常会说

        Hi John,just about the efficient frontier you mentioned in the lecture

        Hi,John, in regarding of the issue of xxxxxx


        3. 如果你是要问关于某个项目、某个工作的'问题,就需要先向老板表明?你在做xx项目/工作,这样他们才能提出具体建议。你可以说

        Hi, John! I am working on xx, can I get a few thoughts on xxx?

        Hi, John! In regarding of xx part of xxx project, can I do like xxxxxxx

        Hi, John! I just want to know that whether it is alright to do xxx in xxx project?



        Informal Social Setting


        1. It is like.......这是老外最爱用的,几乎可以做一切句子的开头,或者可以是I was like?He/She is like....

        2. 反问句,这也是老外很爱用的

        Why not go there/接名词

        Don't you like him?

        Don't you want to?

        3. I just wanted to这个聊天的时候也很常用。

        4. 打招呼的时候最常用的是?hey what's up?或者?hey bro/babe?这个貌似都知道?告别的时候老外最爱用的是?catch you later?。

        5. 老外聊天时很喜欢征求你的意见Do you like it? 最常用(注意连读)

        what youthink (注意不是what do you think)

        6. 几个很酷的词:bloody, awesome, retarded +形容词


        Public Places


        1. 餐厅点餐最地道的说法是Can I have/Can I get ......?

        这句话万能的!!能用这个,最好不用Doyou have

        2. 在银行或者邮局的时候,最好不要第一句话就是?I want to xxxx?你可以先问Hi, can I ask about eg. sending express mails/having a new account/bill?然后再接你要干什么,就自然很多了。

        3. 付款的两种方式是cash and credit,请不要说card。付款再补充一个,用卡的话他会问你是debit还是credit,我一般都选credit,这样扣钱方便~

        4. 饮料续杯地道的说法是top up而不是refill



        1. 停顿技巧,限于Presentation。






        2. 音调先抑后扬比较好。



        3. 想在公共场合流利表达,我有一个绝招就是多说长句子,我见过很多人发音不错,但是从来每次都只说10个单词以内。


        4. 演讲忘词的时候不要纠结于那一句话,如果实在想不起来,这句不要,直接开始下一句,流畅性最重要。

        5. 连读、浊辅音、爆破音这些只能通过模仿、多说来达到很好的效果。  学了那么多年English,在真实交流场合我们依然不敢张口,是不是因为我们的表达总是有点Chinglish?掌握以下这些表达技巧,将帮助你的口语瞬间升级,既高级又地道!
















        连词最好准备在你忘词或者这一段已经油尽灯枯说不下去的时候用。我觉得连词中?高级?的有,但并不高级的那么明显,重要的是,你能在紧张到忘掉演讲词的时候想起来用个高级的连词。所以我建议你在pre开始前就要想好,比如对自己说?我今天一定要用however和as long as?。


        1. However


        2. So that


        3. Since和As


        4. Both, Either?or?, Neither?nor?






        First, we're going to ...

        I'd like to begin by outlining our present situation.

        You may not know that ...


        Let's take a look at some of the implications of this.

        Taking into consideration what we have said about X, we can see that Y ...

        The main reason for these actions is ...

        We have to keep in mind that ... when we consider ...

        As you can see from this graph representing ...

        If you could just take a look at ...

        Looking at X we can see that ..

        There are a number of alternatives in this case. We can ...

        If we had ... , we would ...

        Had we... , we could have ... Do we need to X or Y?

        I think we can clearly see that we can either ... or ...

        We have been considering ...


        We've discussed many points today. Let me quickly summarize the principal points:

        I'd like to quickly go over the main points of today's topic:

        Before we end, let me briefly recap what we have discussed here today.

        Thank you all very much for taking the time to listen to this presentation. Now, ifyou have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

        I think that's about it. I'd like to thank you all for coming in today. Do you have anyquestions?



        1. 首先重要的是,让面试官感到你的自信,或者说?确定性?。


        It is sure/very certain that....

        It is very obvious that

        I am sure that my experience in xxx could help (name of the company) with xxxx

        I have certain confidence in xxxx

        2. 要有中心,要在几个问题内让面试官知道你最明显的特点。


        As I mentioned before, I am a very xxx person and this could also apply to xxxx as well

        If you remember what I said in last question, I could xxxxx

        As I said before..........

        3. 面试时,你通常不会有太多思考时间,你可以用 well等词拖延时间。这是可以接受的,你也可以用一些打太极的招式,比如

        I am very confident that I can bring certain things to the firm/help the firm inmany ways...

        In my understanding of the culture of this company.....

        I am sure that the culture of this company delivers certain things that agree with my own value and hence(争取时间的大招!)

        4. 关于工资,你不能太直白地说My expected salary ....


        In reference to my xx years of working experience in the industry, I am expecting a payment like xxxxx

        In regard of the average salary in the industry............

        Considering the industry.....


        In Office

        当在办公室与老板、同事交流时,要记住,你交流的对象,职场中的大家都很忙,所以给你的时间是极其有限的。在这种情况下,所需要的技巧就是?快速表达你的目的?换而言之就是要使用?action message你要干啥。


        1. 他们通常直呼其名

        Hi, John

        2. 为了开门见山地表达目的,他们通常会说

        Hi John,just about the efficient frontier you mentioned in the lecture

        Hi,John, in regarding of the issue of xxxxxx


        3. 如果你是要问关于某个项目、某个工作的问题,就需要先向老板表明?你在做xx项目/工作,这样他们才能提出具体建议。你可以说

        Hi, John! I am working on xx, can I get a few thoughts on xxx?

        Hi, John! In regarding of xx part of xxx project, can I do like xxxxxxx

        Hi, John! I just want to know that whether it is alright to do xxx in xxx project?



        Informal Social Setting


        1. It is like.......这是老外最爱用的,几乎可以做一切句子的开头,或者可以是I was like?He/She is like....

        2. 反问句,这也是老外很爱用的

        Why not go there/接名词

        Don't you like him?

        Don't you want to?

        3. I just wanted to这个聊天的时候也很常用。

        4. 打招呼的时候最常用的是?hey what's up?或者?hey bro/babe?这个貌似都知道?告别的时候老外最爱用的是?catch you later?。

        5. 老外聊天时很喜欢征求你的意见Do you like it? 最常用(注意连读)

        what youthink (注意不是what do you think)

        6. 几个很酷的词:bloody, awesome, retarded +形容词


        Public Places


        1. 餐厅点餐最地道的说法是Can I have/Can I get ......?

        这句话万能的!!能用这个,最好不用Doyou have

        2. 在银行或者邮局的时候,最好不要第一句话就是?I want to xxxx?你可以先问Hi, can I ask about eg. sending express mails/having a new account/bill?然后再接你要干什么,就自然很多了。

        3. 付款的两种方式是cash and credit,请不要说card。付款再补充一个,用卡的话他会问你是debit还是credit,我一般都选credit,这样扣钱方便~

        4. 饮料续杯地道的说法是top up而不是refill



        1. 停顿技巧,限于Presentation。






        2. 音调先抑后扬比较好。



        3. 想在公共场合流利表达,我有一个绝招就是多说长句子,我见过很多人发音不错,但是从来每次都只说10个单词以内。


        4. 演讲忘词的时候不要纠结于那一句话,如果实在想不起来,这句不要,直接开始下一句,流畅性最重要。

        5. 连读、浊辅音、爆破音这些只能通过模仿、多说来达到很好的效果。


在医院要遵守哪些规则 英文


       1. What can do for you?


       2.May I help you?


       8.Please take a seat!

       please sit down!


       4.Wait a moment, please.


       5.Sorry to have kept you waiting.


       6.It is not serious.


       7.Don't worry.

       There is nothing to worry about.


       8.You need a thorough examination.


       9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days.


       We think that you had better be hospitalized


       10. You should stay in bed for a few days.


       11. You can keep on working.

       You can carry on with your work.


       12. You should be very careful for a week or two


       13. Try to relax and keep calm.


       14. You'll soon be all right.


       15. 1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal.


       16. Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid.


       17. You will have to wait for twenty minutes.


       18.Complete recovery will take a rather long time.


       19. You will have to come here for periodical check-ups.


       20. If you feel worse, please come back to the clinic right away.


       21.If you feel worried, don't hesitate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night.


       22.I'll come right away.


       23.I'm going to make arrangements for your admission.


       24.Please come with your interpreter next time.


       25. Do you understand what I'm saying?


       26.Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you?


       27. Shall I explain it again?


       28.If the trouble persists come back again.


       29. There doesn't seem to be anything serious, but we'11 take an x-ray just to be certain.


       30. Please wait until we get the result of the x-ray (blood test).


       31. It's difficult to say just now exactly what's wrong.


       32. This is quite common among people of your age.


       This often happens to people of your age.


       This often occurs at your age.


       33. This kind of illness usually occurs among people whose work requires a lot of concentration(who undergo a lot of stress).


       34.I suggest you do some light exercises.


       I suggest you have a course of acupuncture.


       I suggest that you get physiotherapy treatment.


       I suggest that you take Chinese herbs.


       35.I would like to transfer you to the gynecology (surgery,dermatology, urology department。


       36. Your WBC(RBC, hemoglobin,urine stool,sputum) should be checked.


       37. A smear should be taken.


       A culture should be done.


       38. Please don't eat anything tomorrow morning before blood test.


       39. Please wait for the result of your hemoglobin test.


       40. What's your trouble?


       41. How long have you been feeling unwell?


       42. What medicine did you take?


       43.Have you taken any medicine?


       44.Did you take your temperature?


       45.Do you smoke (drink)?


       46. Have you any temperature (a cough, a bed headach)?


       47.Have your ever had jaundice (low grade fever,any chronic ailments, cold sweats at night, attacks of asthma)?


       48.Do you sufer from heartburn stomachaches (loose bowel movements,chest pains)?


       49. Do your want to have your tooth extracted (tooth filled, dressing changed,blood pressure checked?


       50.Let me examine you please.


       51.Please take off your shoes and lie down.


       52,Please unbutton your shirt and loosen your belt.


       53.Please take off your trousers.


       54. Please lie on your back (stomach, right side, left side)。


       55.Please bend your knees.


       56.pleare relax.


       57. Please breathe deeply(normally).


       58. Please stick Out your tongue.


       59.Please let me feel your pulse.


       60.Let me take your blood pressure


       61.Pleas,lift your left leg(right leg)


       62. Please open your mouth and say "Ah".


       63. It is normal(essentially normal).


       64.Have you ever received any treatment before?


       65. Has it gotten worse?


       66.Has it happened before?


       67. Are you feeling better?


       68.Is the pain gentting less?


       69. Does it still hurt?


       70.How long have you had this pain?


       71. What kind of pain is it?


       72. Please tell me something of your past illnesses.


       73. Is there any blood in your stool(urine,sputum)?



       1. I'm not feeling well. 我觉得不舒服.

       2. I'm feeling very bad. 我觉得很不舒服.

       3. I don't feel myself lately. 我最近感到不舒服.

       4. What shall(should) I do? 我该怎么办,

       5. Should I stay in the hospital? 我需要住院吗?

       6.The pain seems less. 我的疼痛有些减轻.

       7. Will it go away by itself(soon)? 它能自然(很快)痊愈吗?

       8. When shall I come back? 我什么时候再来?

       9. Will there be a recurrence? 这病会复发吗?

       10.Does this medicine have any side-effects? 这药有副作用吗?

       11. What kind of food should I eat? Should I have a special diet?


       12.Will surgery necessary? 需要做手术吗;

       13. Will it take long to recover? 很久才能恢复吗?

       l4 Is it right to move around and do some exercises? 可以在地上走走,锻炼锻炼吗?

       15. Is it serious? 情况严重吗?

       16. Is there any danger? 有危险吗?

       17. What could be the cause? 可能是什么原因呢?

       18. What should I do if I have another attack? 我若是再犯,该怎么办呢,

       19. Isn't there any good medicine for it? 没有什么好药吗?

       20. What kind of medicine is this? 这是一种什么药呢7

       21. I hate injections.Can I take the medicine orally?我不喜欢打针,能吃些口服药吗?

       22. Can it be cured?。 能治好么,

       23. Will it get worse? 能变坏吗?

       24. What could it be? 可能是什么病呢?

       25. What do you think? 你认为怎样?

       26. Can anything be done for pain? 对于这种疼痛,有没有办法呢?

       27.Whateverr you say. 听从你的意见.

       28.Since two or three weeks. 大约两三周前.

       29. About when? 大约在什么时间了

       30. Is it contagious? 这病传染吗7

       31. I feel dizzy(feverish, shivery, sleepy, like vomiting,nauseous itching, weak, irritated). 我感到头晕(发烧,发冷,发困,想吐,恶心,痒,虚弱,急躁)。

       32. I have pils(a bad cough, a dry cough, a sore stomach a pain in the small of my back). 我有痔疮(剧烈的咳嗽,干咳,胃痛,腰背部痛)。



       What rules do we have to abide by in the hospital?

       What rules do we have to follow in the hospital?

       医院 = hospital

       遵守 = abide by 或 follow

       规则 = rules

       希望对你有帮助—— ?

       ———————— 问题补充:


       In the hospital you have to be quiet, and watch where you're going.


       You should also be respectful of others, and don't ask people why they're in the hospital.


       Wash your hands often, and be courteous to the doctors.



       问题一:“(医院的)院长”用英语怎么翻译? director of the hospital

        问题二:医院院长英文翻译 president of the/a Chinese medicine hospital

        president of the/a hospital of traditional Chinese medicine


        hospital of traditional Chinese medicine

        institute of traditional Chinese medicine

        问题三:院长办公室用英语怎么说? President's Office或The office of president

        问题四:英语 "医院院长" 怎么表达? Director of the hospital

        问题五:医院的“院长”一词用英语怎么说? president

        问题六:请问医院的院长用英语怎么翻译? director of hospital

        问题七:中医院院长,用英文怎么翻译啊? president of the/a Chinese medicine hospital

        president of the/a hospital of traditional Chinese medicine


        hospital of trad偿tional Chinese medicine

        institute of traditional Chinese medicine

        问题八:应聘时,人事经理更看中学生的个人能力还是团队精神? 看你应聘什么职位,一般埂说团队精神更重要,个人能力属于技术问题,团队精神属于人的品质问题。个人能力可以在实践重提高,而一个以自我为中心的人很难修炼到具有团队精神。
